All languages combined word senses marked with topical category "Literature"
Parent categories: Culture, Entertainment, Writing, Society, Human behaviour, Language, Human, Communication
Subcategories: A Song of Ice and Fire, Authors, Books, Charles Dickens, Classical studies, Comics, Dracula, Fan fiction, Gulliver's Travels, Harry Potter, Horror, J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Literary genres, Lovecraftian horror, Narratology, Periodicals, Poetry, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shahnameh, Sherlock Holmes, The Handmaid's Tale, The Hunger Games, The Wizard of Oz, Twilight (novel series)
Total 18665 word senses
- A Q … Blutschande (513 senses)
- BoM … ESV (467 senses)
- EU … HERREN (504 senses)
- HP … Jily (478 senses)
- Jo … LOTR (352 senses)
- LW … Miķelis (534 senses)
- Mk … Ozėjo knyga (344 senses)
- P … Sela (561 senses)
- Sem … Tự học toản yếu (565 senses)
- U … abba (320 senses)
- abc … baiti (516 senses)
- baj … bóartlibarn (382 senses)
- bók … dziwo (565 senses)
- dàn … frøði (449 senses)
- fu … hřbet (413 senses)
- hồi … littérature comparée (586 senses)
- liv … népmese (550 senses)
- nó … puisi naratif (473 senses)
- puk … runousoppi (262 senses)
- rut … sátira (531 senses)
- säd … väkevä (493 senses)
- vè … ẹsa (396 senses)
- آرش … اخبار (21 senses)
- ادب … بارد (22 senses)
- بحر … تجاهلالعارف (12 senses)
- تخميس … حكاية (24 senses)
- حكمة … رامائڻ (16 senses)
- راوی … سبک هندی (21 senses)
- سجدہ … سورة البقرة (26 senses)
- سورة البلد … سورة الحاقة (13 senses)
- سورة الحج … سورة الصف (20 senses)
- سورة الضحى … سورة الكافرون (20 senses)
- سورة الكهف … سورة النجم (20 senses)
- سورة النحل … سورة يونس (27 senses)
- سوره … شرير (19 senses)
- شعر … فصلت (23 senses)
- ق … قبض (11 senses)
- قرآن … ماۋزۇ (22 senses)
- متی … موسوعہ (24 senses)
- موشح … نقد ادبی (14 senses)
- نوح … گلستان (27 senses)
- گنتی … ۞ (20 senses)
- Աբել … Անդրէաս (10 senses)
- Աննա … Դանիել (15 senses)
- Դավիթ … Եսթեր (10 senses)
- Եվա … Իսրայէլ (12 senses)
- Հագար … Հովսեփ (12 senses)
- Հուդա … Մարիամ (13 senses)
- Միսաք … Յովսէփ (12 senses)
- Յուդա … Պիղատոս (9 senses)
- Պողոս … Սեդրաք (12 senses)
- Սեթ … աստուածաշունչ (15 senses)
- ասք … զրուցարան (10 senses)
- էպոս … ոտանավոր (16 senses)
- չափ … քառյակ (15 senses)
- অযোধ্যা (Proper name) [Bengali] Ayodhya (a city in Uttar Pradesh, India)
- আদম সেতু (Proper name) [Bengali] Adam's Bridge (a chain of shoals that connects India and Sri Lanka)
- ইউসুফ (Proper name) [Bengali] Joseph (Yusuf), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- ইঞ্জিল (Noun) [Bengali] Gospel
- ইফিষীয় (Proper name) [Bengali] Ephesians.
- ইয়াকুব (Proper name) [Bengali] Jacob (Yaqub), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- ইয়াহিয়া (Proper name) [Bengali] John the Baptist (Yahya), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- ইসমাইল (Proper name) [Bengali] Ishmael (Ismail), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- ইসহাক (Proper name) [Bengali] Isaac (Ishaq), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- উপন্যাস (Noun) [Assamese] novel
- উপন্যাস (Noun) [Bengali] a novel
- কিতাব (Noun) [Bengali] book
- কিতাব (Noun) [Bengali] book; scripture
- কুতুবখানা (Noun) [Bengali] library, book collection
- কুরআন (Proper name) [Bengali] Qur'an
- চতুর্দশপদী কবিতা (Noun) [Bengali] sonnet.
- চরণ (Noun) [Bengali] line
- জাকারিয়া (Proper name) [Bengali] Zechariah (Zakaria), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- দাউদ (Proper name) [Bengali] David (Dawood), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- নভেল (Noun) [Bengali] synonym of উপন্যাস (uponnaś)
- নূহ (Proper name) [Bengali] Noah (Nuh), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- পুরাণ (Proper name) [Bengali] Purana (one of several texts of an ancient genre of Hindu or Jain literature)
- প্রবন্ধ (Noun) [Bengali] essay
- বিশ্বকোষ (Noun) [Bengali] encyclopedia
- ভগবদ্গীতা (Proper name) [Bengali] Bhagavad Gita
- মহাভারত (Proper name) [Bengali] the Mahābhārata
- রচনা (Noun) [Bengali] an essay
- রাবণ (Proper name) [Bengali] Ravana
- রাম (Proper name) [Bengali] Rama
- রামায়ণ (Proper name) [Bengali] the Rāmāyaṇa
- রুবাঈ (Noun) [Bengali] rubai; a quatrain in Classical Arabic or Persian poetry.
- লঙ্কা (Proper name) [Bengali] Lanka (the citadel of Ravana in the Ramayana)
- সাহিত্য (Noun) [Assamese] literature
- সাহিত্য (Noun) [Bengali] literature
- হনুমান (Proper name) [Bengali] Hanuman
- হারূন (Proper name) [Bengali] Aaron (Harun), revered as a major prophet in Islam.
- হিতোপদেশ (Proper name) [Bengali] Proverbs
- 𑀚𑀡𑀬 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Janaka (the father of Sita and the king of Mithila)
- 𑀧𑁂𑀅 (Noun) [Prakrit] a ghost
- 𑀭𑀸𑀫𑀸𑀬𑀡 (Proper name) [Prakrit] the Ramayana
- 𑀲𑀻𑀆 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Sita
- 𑀳𑀡𑀼𑀫𑀁𑀢 (Proper name) [Prakrit] Hanuman
- ⠘⠳ (Symbol) [French] thought bubble
- ⠘⠻ (Symbol) [French] speech bubble
- 𑄇𑄧𑄙𑄖𑄢 (Noun) [Chakma] dictionary
- 𑄇𑄪𑄢𑄴𑄃𑄚𑄴 (Noun) [Chakma] Qur'an (the Islamic holy book)
- ᎪᏪᎵ (Noun) [Cherokee] book
- ᏧᏂᎪᎵᏰᏗᎢ (Noun) [Cherokee] library
- 㗅 … 九畹遺容 (43 senses)
- 亂 … 人仔圖 (29 senses)
- 仄 … 伊萊沙 (31 senses)
- 休刊 … 俳諧 (38 senses)
- 倍 … 再版 (40 senses)
- 冠 … 創世記 (34 senses)
- 創刊 … 厄肋阿匝爾 (36 senses)
- 厄里 … 名著 (43 senses)
- 吟 … 善本 (30 senses)
- 喇合 … 士禮 (37 senses)
- 変化 … 孔子 (37 senses)
- 孔明 … 小兒書 (38 senses)
- 小品 … 巴辣巴 (37 senses)
- 巴郎 … 後漢書 (42 senses)
- 徒 … 所羅門智訓 (32 senses)
- 手冊 … 摩爾門經 (37 senses)
- 摩西 … 文學院 (41 senses)
- 文曲 … 斷代史 (32 senses)
- 方冊 … 書冊鋪 (37 senses)
- 書刊 … 枕草子 (37 senses)
- 枕詞 … 殘本 (48 senses)
- 段 … 淮南子 (27 senses)
- 湯武 … 獻帝 (36 senses)
- 玉篇 … 百衲本 (40 senses)
- 皇曆 … 竟陵 (34 senses)
- 章 … 約珥書 (38 senses)
- 約瑟 … 編年紀下 (40 senses)
- 編著 … 自由律 (46 senses)
- 興 … 荒ぶ (24 senses)
- 荘子 … 訂簿記數 (43 senses)
- 訊 … 詩篇 (31 senses)
- 詩経 … 資治通鑒 (49 senses)
- 賦 … 辣黑耳 (26 senses)
- 辭書 … 選本 (36 senses)
- 選集 … 阿貝沙隆 (41 senses)
- 陳留 … 頷聯 (33 senses)
- 頸聯 … 𠹳 (59 senses)
- ⲁⲡⲟⲥⲧⲟⲗⲟⲥ (Noun) [Coptic] apostle, Apostle
- ⲃⲁⲣⲑⲟⲗⲟⲙⲉⲟⲥ (Proper name) [Coptic] Bartholomew, One of the Twelve Apostles.
- ⲇⲁⲩⲓⲇ (Proper name) [Coptic] The second king of Judah and Israel, the successor of Saul in the Old Testament.
- ⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕⲟⲡⲟⲥ (Noun) [Coptic] bishop
- ⲕⲁⲫⲁⲣⲛⲁⲟⲩⲙ (Proper name) [Coptic] Capernaum, a city.
- Ⲙⲁⲣⲕⲟⲥ (Proper name) [Coptic] The Gospel of St. Mark, a book of the New Testament of the Bible. Traditionally the second of the four gospels.
- ⲡⲁⲧⲣⲓⲁⲣⲭⲏⲥ (Noun) [Coptic] patriarch, biblical characters regarded as the immediate forefathers of the Hebrews
- ⲡⲉⲧⲉⲫⲣⲏ (Proper name) [Coptic] An Egyptian and captain of the guard under Pharaoh.
- ⲥⲁⲗⲱⲙⲏ (Proper name) [Coptic] A woman mentioned in Mark 16:1, present at the crucifixion of Christ.
- ⲫⲓⲗⲓⲡⲡⲟⲥ (Proper name) [Coptic] a male given name from Greek, equivalent to English Philip
- ⲯⲁⲗⲙⲟⲥ (Noun) [Coptic] psalm, chapter from the Book of Psalms
- Єлисей … Афетъ (19 senses)
- Ахав … Достоевский (29 senses)
- Ева … Иисус Навин (19 senses)
- Илия … Мордор (27 senses)
- Мұса … Пајо Паторот (16 senses)
- Петро … Тигр (23 senses)
- Тир … ажәар (28 senses)
- аз … атлас (24 senses)
- ақын … ветхозаветный (25 senses)
- вид … герменевтика (15 senses)
- герой … енциклопедія (27 senses)
- епос … збірка (19 senses)
- змій … книжник (27 senses)
- кніга … кітапнама (19 senses)
- књига … манасчы (25 senses)
- манга … новелла (23 senses)
- номох … поема (26 senses)
- поет … разговорник (27 senses)
- разказ … рјечник (18 senses)
- сага … стилистика (20 senses)
- стих … театр (24 senses)
- тека … філістір (21 senses)
- фінал … шекспирски (28 senses)
- шиғри … қасида (26 senses)
- үгэ … әдебилік (13 senses)
- መስፍን (Noun) [Ge'ez] judges of Israel
- መዝገበ ቃላት (Noun) [Amharic] dictionary
- ሙሴ (Proper name) [Ge'ez] Moses
- ኖኅ (Proper name) [Ge'ez] Noah
- አራራት (Proper name) [Ge'ez] Ararat
- እስራኤል (Noun) [Ge'ez] Israel (A Biblical region of Western Asia roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel, known in the Bible as the Land of Israel and considered the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people)
- ከናኔዎን (Proper name) [Ge'ez] the Canaanites
- ዐሞን (Proper name) [Ge'ez] Ammon, the Ammonites
- ጌርጌሴዎን (Proper name) [Ge'ez] the Girgashites
- ጎቶንያል (Proper name) [Amharic] Othniel, the first of the biblical judges.
- ጳውሎስ (Proper name) [Amharic] Paul the Apostle
- ጽዮን (Proper name) [Ge'ez] Zion
- აბრაკადაბრა (Noun) [Georgian] abracadabra
- ალმანახი (Noun) [Georgian] almanac
- ბაბილონის გოდოლი (Proper name) [Georgian] the Tower of Babel
- დანიელი (Proper name) [Georgian] Daniel, male given name
- დანიელი (Proper name) [Georgian] Daniel, a biblical character
- თვითმასწავლებელი (Noun) [Georgian] self-help book
- იყო და არა იყო რა (Phrase) [Georgian] once upon a time
- ლერსი (Noun) [Mingrelian] lyric, verse, poem
- ლექსი (Noun) [Georgian] lyric, poem, verse
- ლექსი (Noun) [Old Georgian] lyric, poem, verse
- ლექსიკონი (Noun) [Georgian] dictionary, lexicon
- ლუგათი (Noun) [Laz] dictionary
- პერსონაჟი (Noun) [Georgian] character (in film, play or writing)
- სამოთხე (Noun) [Georgian] bliss, Eden, paradise
- ტონი (Noun) [Georgian] tone
- ფავრი (Noun) [Laz] the whole, dry leaf of any plant that has fallen to the ground
- ყდა (Noun) [Georgian] book cover
- 𐌰𐌱𐍂𐌰𐌷𐌰𐌼 (Proper name) [Gothic] Abraham, the Biblical character
- 𐌰𐌳𐌰𐌼 (Proper name) [Gothic] Adam, the Biblical character
- 𐌰𐌳𐌳𐌴𐌹 (Proper name) [Gothic] Addi, the Biblical character
- 𐌰𐌷𐌰𐍂𐍉𐌽 (Proper name) [Gothic] Aaron, the Biblical character
- 𐌰𐌹𐌻𐌴𐌹𐍃𐌰𐌱𐌰𐌹𐌸 (Proper name) [Gothic] Elizabeth, the Biblical character
- 𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍂𐌰𐌹𐌰𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Andrew, the Biblical character
- 𐌰𐌽𐌽𐌰 (Proper name) [Gothic] Anna, the Biblical character
- 𐌲𐌰𐌱𐍂𐌹𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Gabriel, the Biblical character
- 𐌳𐌰𐌽𐌹𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Daniel, the Biblical character
- 𐌳𐌰𐍅𐌴𐌹𐌳 (Proper name) [Gothic] David, the Biblical character
- 𐌷𐌴𐍂𐍉𐌳𐌴𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Herod, the Biblical character
- 𐌸𐌰𐌹𐍃𐍃𐌰𐌻𐌰𐌿𐌽𐌴𐌹𐌺𐌰𐌹𐌿𐍃 (Noun) [Gothic] Thessalonians, two epistles of the New Testament
- 𐌸𐍉𐌼𐌰𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Thomas, the Biblical character
- 𐌹𐌰𐌴𐌹𐍂𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jair, a Biblical character.
- 𐌹𐌰𐌺𐍉𐌱𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jacob, the Biblical character
- 𐌹𐌴𐍃𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Jesus
- 𐌹𐌽𐌼𐌰𐌽𐌿𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Immanuel
- 𐌹𐍃𐍂𐌰𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Israel (A Biblical region of Western Asia roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel, known in the Bible as the Land of Israel and considered the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people); Israel (an ancient kingdom in Western Asia, roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel and the Land of Israel)
- 𐌹𐍃𐍂𐌰𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Israel (A Biblical region of Western Asia roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel, known in the Bible as the Land of Israel and considered the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people); Israel (an ancient kingdom that occupied the northern part of the Land of Israel and modern State of Israel, as distinct from Judah)
- 𐌹𐍃𐍂𐌰𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Israel (A Biblical region of Western Asia roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel, known in the Bible as the Land of Israel and considered the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people)
- 𐌹𐍉𐌷𐌰𐌽𐌽𐌴𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] John, the Biblical character
- 𐌻𐌰𐌹𐌺𐍄𐌾𐍉 (Noun) [Gothic] a reading (a specific passage to be read in whole)
- 𐌻𐌿𐌺𐌰𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Luke, the Biblical character
- 𐌼𐌰𐍂𐌸𐌰 (Proper name) [Gothic] Martha, the Biblical character
- 𐌼𐌰𐍂𐌺𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Mark, the Biblical character
- 𐌼𐌰𐍂𐌾𐌰 (Proper name) [Gothic] Mary, the Biblical character
- 𐌼𐌰𐍄𐌸𐌰𐌹𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Matthew, the Biblical character
- 𐌼𐍉𐍃𐌴𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Moses, the Biblical character
- 𐌽𐌰𐌱𐌿𐌺𐌰𐌿𐌳𐌰𐌿𐌽𐌰𐌿𐍃𐌰𐌿𐍂 (Proper name) [Gothic] Nebuchadnezzar
- 𐌽𐌰𐌿𐌴𐌻 (Proper name) [Gothic] Noah, the Biblical character
- 𐌽𐌹𐌺𐌰𐌿𐌳𐌴𐌼𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Nicodemus, a Pharisee in the New Testament
- 𐍀𐌰𐌹𐍄𐍂𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Peter, the Biblical character
- 𐍀𐌰𐍅𐌻𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Paul, the Biblical character
- 𐍃𐌰𐌿𐌻𐌰𐌿𐌼𐍉𐌽 (Proper name) [Gothic] Solomon, the Biblical character
- 𐍃𐌴𐌹𐌼𐍉𐌽 (Proper name) [Gothic] Simon, the Biblical character
- 𐍄𐌴𐌹𐌼𐌰𐌿𐌸𐌰𐌹𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Timothy, the Biblical character
- 𐍄𐍉𐌾𐌰 (Proper name) [Gothic] Acts, a book of the New Testament: a clipping of 𐍄𐍉𐌾𐌰 𐌰𐍀𐌰𐌿𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌿𐌻𐌴 (tōja apaustaulē, “Acts of the Apostles”).
- 𐍄𐍉𐌾𐌰 𐌰𐍀𐌰𐌿𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌿𐌻𐌴 (Proper name) [Gothic] Acts of the Apostles
- 𐍆𐌰𐍂𐌰𐍉 (Proper name) [Gothic] Pharaoh
- 𐍆𐌹𐌻𐌹𐍀𐍀𐌿𐍃 (Proper name) [Gothic] Philip, the Biblical character
- Άννα … ΒΙΠΕΡ (14 senses)
- Βάαλ … Ευαγγελιστής (12 senses)
- Εύα … Λουκάς (15 senses)
- Λωΐς … Μωυσής (12 senses)
- Νώε … άπαξ λεγόμενον (19 senses)
- έπος … αναγνώστης (13 senses)
- αναδρομή … αυτοβιογραφία (12 senses)
- βίπερ … διακονέω (13 senses)
- δράμα … μέτρο (13 senses)
- μέτρον … πετραρχισμός (18 senses)
- ποίηση … σπονδεῖος (10 senses)
- στέκω … ἀπόστολος (17 senses)
- ἁβρός … ἑνδεκασύλλαβος (16 senses)
- ἔλευσις … ἴαμβος (11 senses)
- Ἰάφεθ … Ῥοῦφος (14 senses)
- અંજના (Proper name) [Gujarati] a female given name, Anjana, from Sanskrit
- અફરાસિયાબ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Afrasiyab or Afrasiab, from Persian
- અભિધાન (Noun) [Gujarati] a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon
- અયોધ્યા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ayodhya (a city in Awadh, Uttar Pradesh, India, and birthplace of the god Ram in mythology)
- ઇંજીલ (Noun) [Gujarati] gospel
- ઇઝરાયલ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Israel (a country in Western Asia, in the Middle East, at the eastern shore of the Mediterranean); Israel (A Biblical region of Western Asia roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel, known in the Bible as the Land of Israel and considered the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people)
- ઇઝરાયલ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Israel (a country in Western Asia, in the Middle East, at the eastern shore of the Mediterranean); Israel (an ancient kingdom in Western Asia, roughly coextensive with the modern State of Israel and the Land of Israel)
- ઇઝરાયલ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Israel (a country in Western Asia, in the Middle East, at the eastern shore of the Mediterranean); Israel (an ancient kingdom that occupied the northern part of the Land of Israel and modern State of Israel, as distinct from Judah)
- ઇબ્રાહીમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Abraham (prophet)
- ઇબ્રાહીમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] The 14th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.
- ઇબ્રાહીમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Ibrahim, from Arabic, equivalent to English Abraham
- ઇરજ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Iraj, from Persian
- ઉત્પત્તિ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Genesis
- એસ્તેર (Proper name) [Gujarati] Esther (a book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh); Esther (the heroine of the Book of Esther)
- કસીદો (Noun) [Gujarati] qasida (panegyric poetry)
- કાઇન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Cain
- કુરાન (Proper name) [Gujarati] Qur'an (the primary scripture of Islam)
- ગુશતાસ્પ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Goshtasp
- જમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a diminutive, Jam, of the male given name જમશીદ (jamśīd)
- જમશીદ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Jamshid or Jamsheed, from Persian
- નરિમાન (Noun) [Gujarati] a male given name, Nariman, from Persian, of Parsi usage
- પાસ્ખા (Proper name) [Gujarati] Passover
- ફરહાદ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Farhad, from Persian
- ફરાનક (Proper name) [Gujarati] a female given name, Faranak, from Persian
- મુખપૃષ્ઠ (Noun) [Gujarati] home page
- મોહનવસ્તુ (Noun) [Gujarati] a variety of mātrika meter used for pingala poetry, consisting of 4 charanas of 16 matras each for a total of 64 matras
- રસ (Noun) [Gujarati] rasa: an emotion evoked by literature, drama, or dance
- રામાયણ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Ramayana
- રૂસ્તમ (Proper name) [Gujarati] a male given name, Rustam, from Persian
- લુગત (Noun) [Gujarati] dictionary, lexicon
- વિશ્રામવાર (Noun) [Gujarati] Sunday, Sabbath - weekly day of rest
- શાહનામું (Noun) [Gujarati] Shahnameh (an epic poem written by Ferdowsi around 1000 CE, telling the mythical and historical past of ancient Persia from the beginning of the world until the Muslim invasion)
- શીરીન (Proper name) [Gujarati] a female given name, Shirin, from Persian
- શીરીન (Proper name) [Gujarati] a female given name, Shirin, from Persian; Shirin (queen of Armenia and wife of Khosrow II, a character in the Shahnameh and in Khosrow and Shirin)
- હાબેલ (Proper name) [Gujarati] Abel
- ਅਖਬਾਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] newspaper, newsletter, bulletin
- ਅਫ਼ਸਾਨਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] story, tale
- ਅਫ਼ਸਾਨਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] scandalous tale, scandal
- ਉਪਨਿਆਸ (Noun) [Punjabi] novel
- ਕਥਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] katha (Hindu religious story)
- ਕਹਾਣੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] a story
- ਕ਼ਿੱਸਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] story, tale, legend, folktale, fable
- ਕ਼ਿੱਸਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] affair, matter
- ਕਾਫ਼ੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] kafi (genre of Sufi poetry)
- ਕਾਲਮ ਨਵੀਸ (Noun) [Punjabi] columnist
- ਕਾਵਿ (Noun) [Punjabi] poetry
- ਕਿਤਾਬ (Noun) [Punjabi] book
- ਕੋਸ਼ (Noun) [Punjabi] dictionary, lexicon
- ਗ਼ਜ਼ਲ (Noun) [Punjabi] ghazal (poetic form)
- ਗੁਟਕਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] breviary
- ਨਸਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] prose
- ਨਿੱਕੀ ਕਹਾਣੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] short story
- ਪਿੱਠ-ਕਹਾਣੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] backstory
- ਪੁਸਤਕ (Noun) [Punjabi] book
- ਪੁਸਤਕਾਲਾ (Noun) [Punjabi] library
- ਪੰਚਾਂਗ (Noun) [Punjabi] calendar, almanac
- ਬਹਿਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] meter, beher
- ਮਹਾਂਭਾਰਤ (Proper name) [Punjabi] Mahabharata (Sanskrit epic)
- ਲਾਇਬ੍ਰੇਰੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] library
- ਵਿਸ਼ਵਕੋਸ਼ (Noun) [Punjabi] encyclopaedia
- ਸਮੱਸਿਆ (Noun) [Punjabi] A line set as a topic or prosodic model for writing a complete poem.
- ਸ਼ਬਦਕੋਸ਼ (Noun) [Punjabi] dictionary, lexicon
- ਸ਼ਾਇਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] poet, versifier
- ਸ਼ਾਇਰੀ (Noun) [Punjabi] poetry
- ਸ਼ਾਹਕਾਰ (Noun) [Punjabi] masterpiece
- ਸਾਹਿਤ (Noun) [Punjabi] literature
- 가브리엘 … 그림책 (11 senses)
- 글체 … 도서 (14 senses)
- 두시 … 만엽집 (14 senses)
- 만화 … 바오로 (15 senses)
- 배율 … 삼자경 (14 senses)
- 서경 … 소프트커버 (13 senses)
- 솔로몬 … 신문지 (16 senses)
- 신약 … 양장본 (13 senses)
- 어미 … 요리책 (15 senses)
- 요셉 … 이스마엘 (14 senses)
- 이아 … 절단마공 (13 senses)
- 절운 … 창세기 (13 senses)
- 책 … 페이퍼백 (19 senses)
- 편람 … 히어로 (15 senses)
- ׀ … אגרטל (17 senses)
- אדם … אנציקלופדיה (22 senses)
- אסא … בילע (16 senses)
- בית … גדרה (17 senses)
- גוג … האַנטבוך (20 senses)
- הבל … זבולון (18 senses)
- זד … חנות ספרים (21 senses)
- חנן … יוחנן (23 senses)
- יוי … יקטן (16 senses)
- ירד … כרפס (17 senses)
- לאה … מושא (19 senses)
- מזל … מפיבשת (18 senses)
- מצה … נמרוד (23 senses)
- נסך … ספרייה (18 senses)
- סרא … עסיי (16 senses)
- עפר … צפניה (21 senses)
- צרפת … רייבנקלו (22 senses)
- רם … שלמנאסר (17 senses)
- שם … תרפים (25 senses)
- お化け (Noun) [Japanese] apparition, specter, ghost
- かみはぶ (Noun) [Okinawan] newspaper
- くるわ (Noun) [Japanese] in 俳諧 (haikai, “vulgar haiku”), the general realm of subject matter used for the opening line
- してんし (Noun) [Japanese] 熾天使: (biblical) a seraph
- しとぎょうでん (Proper name) [Japanese] 使徒行伝: (biblical) Acts
- つんどく (Verb) [Japanese] 積んどく: (informal) to leave piled up
- へのへのもへ (Noun) [Japanese] a face drawn using the hiragana characters he (へ), no (の), he (へ), no (の), mo (も), and he (へ)
- へのへのもへじ (Noun) [Japanese] a face drawn using the hiragana characters へ (he), の (no), も (mo), and じ (ji)
- へへののもへじ (Noun) [Japanese] Synonym of へのへのもへじ (henohenomoheji)
- むき (Noun) [Japanese] 無季: not belonging to any particular season; (poetry) not including any seasonal terms or allusions
- ゆめおち (Noun) [Japanese] Revealing that the a story was all part of a dream; the "it was all a dream" ending.
- ꦠꦤ꧀ꦠꦿꦶ (Noun) [Javanese] A prosaic fable from Pancatantra.
- ꦥꦸꦂꦮꦏꦤ꧀ꦛꦶ (Noun) [Javanese] assonance: the repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds (though with different consonants), usually in literature or poetry.
- ꦥꦸꦥꦸꦃ (Noun) [Javanese] songs that are bound by the number of syllables in one verse, the number of lines, and the game of the song
- ꦲꦶꦏꦪꦠ꧀ (Noun) [Javanese] old Malay literary works in prose form
- ಅಡಿ (Noun) [Kannada] foot
- ಅಯೋಧ್ಯೆ (Proper name) [Kannada] Ayodhya (a city in Uttar Pradesh, India and birthplace of god Ram in mythology)
- ಜೊತೆ (Noun) [Kannada] couplet
- ಮಹಾಭಾರತ (Proper name) [Kannada] the Mahabharata
- ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ (Noun) [Kannada] literature
- アダム … インマヌエル (14 senses)
- イヴ … エホバ (11 senses)
- エリ … カイン (8 senses)
- カナン人 … サムエル (16 senses)
- サラ … スーパーマン (10 senses)
- セト … テキストブック (12 senses)
- テモテ … ネーム (14 senses)
- ノア … バルトロマイ (11 senses)
- パウロ … ベルゼブブ (11 senses)
- ペトロ … マティア (11 senses)
- マリア … ヨハネの黙示録 (15 senses)
- ヨブ … リーダー (13 senses)
- ルカ … ワンダーウーマン (7 senses)
- បណ្ណាល័យ (Noun) [Khmer] library
- រឿងខ្លី (Noun) [Khmer] short story
- វចនានុក្រម (Noun) [Khmer] dictionary
- សម្ផស្ស (Noun) [Khmer] rhyme (of a poem)
- សម្ផស្ស (Proper name) [Khmer] a female given name, Samphors
- សៀវភៅកន្សោម (Noun) [Khmer] phrase book
- ກະວີ (Noun) [Lao] poet
- ກາບ (Noun) [Lao] "kaap", a type of traditional poetry
- ກາບກອນ (Noun) [Lao] poetry, verse
- അകാരാദി (Noun) [Malayalam] dictionary
- ആഴ്ചപ്പതിപ്പ് (Noun) [Malayalam] weekly
- കോറിന്തോസ് (Proper name) [Malayalam] Either of the two books in the New Testament of the Bible that are written as epistles to the people of Corinth and which are attributed to Paul the Apostle, Sosthenes and Timothy.
- ഖുറാൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] Quran (the holy book of Islam)
- ഗദ്യം (Noun) [Malayalam] prose.
- ഗ്രന്ഥം (Noun) [Malayalam] reference book
- നിഘണ്ടു (Noun) [Malayalam] dictionary
- നിരൂപകൻ (Noun) [Malayalam] reviewer, critic; a specialist in judging works of art.
- ബൈബിൾ (Noun) [Malayalam] The Bible
- ഭഗവദ്ഗീത (Noun) [Malayalam] Bhagavad Gita
- മന്ന (Noun) [Malayalam] manna
- മഹാഭാരതം (Proper name) [Malayalam] Mahabharata
- യോശുവ (Proper name) [Malayalam] the Book of Joshua (book of the Old Testament of the Bible and of the Tanakh)
- രാമായണം (Noun) [Malayalam] Ramayana
- വാരിക (Noun) [Malayalam] weekly; a publication that is published once a week
- വിജ്ഞാനകോശം (Noun) [Malayalam] encyclopedia
- ശബ്ദകോശം (Noun) [Malayalam] dictionary
- സങ്കീർത്തനം (Noun) [Malayalam] psalm
- സാഹിത്യം (Noun) [Malayalam] literature
- ꯁꯥꯍꯤꯇ꯭ꯌ (Noun) [Manipuri] literature
- ꯔꯥꯃꯥꯌꯟ (Proper name) [Manipuri] Ramayana
- ကဗျာ (Noun) [Burmese] poem, poetry
- ကဗျာ (Noun) [Burmese] verse
- ကဗျာဆရာ (Noun) [Burmese] poet
- စာကြည့်တိုက် (Noun) [Burmese] a library
- စာပေ (Noun) [Burmese] literature
- စာအုပ်ဆိုင် (Noun) [Burmese] bookshop, book store
- ပိဋကတ်တိုက် (Noun) [Burmese] royal library or repository housing Buddhist scriptures
- ယေရှု (Proper name) [Burmese] Jesus
- ယေႇသူႉ (Proper name) [Shan] Jesus
- ရတု (Noun) [Burmese] yadu
- သံပေါက် (Noun) [Burmese] thanbauk
- အဘိဓာန် (Noun) [Burmese] dictionary
- အဘိဓာန် (Noun) [Mon] dictionary
- ႁူင်းလူလိၵ်ႈ (Noun) [Shan] library
- ᦈᦹᧈᦶᦑᧃ (Noun) [Lü] dictionary
- ᱥᱟᱶᱦᱮᱫ (Noun) [Santali] literature
- ଖବରକାଗଜ (Noun) [Odia] newspaper
- ମହାଭାରତ (Proper name) [Odia] the Mahabharata
- ରାମାୟଣ (Proper name) [Odia] Ramayana
- ଲାଇବ୍ରେରୀ (Noun) [Odia] library
- ସାହିତ୍ୟ (Noun) [Odia] literature
- 𐤀𐤃𐤌 (Noun) [Phoenician] the first man
- සාහිත්යය (Noun) [Sinhalese] literature
- ᮕᮨᮁᮕᮥᮞ᮪ᮒᮊᮃᮔ᮪ (Noun) [Sundanese] library
- ꠀꠖꠝ (Proper name) [Sylheti] a male given name from Arabic or Hebrew, equivalent to English Adam
- ꠁꠀꠇꠥꠛ (Proper name) [Sylheti] Jacob, James
- ꠇꠥꠞꠣꠘ (Noun) [Sylheti] Qur'an (the Islamic holy book)
- அகம் (Noun) [Tamil] akam (a genre of Tamil love-themed poem)
- அகரமுதலி (Noun) [Tamil] dictionary
- அகராதி (Noun) [Tamil] dictionary
- அரிச்சுவடி (Noun) [Tamil] alphabet book, primer
- அளபெடை (Noun) [Tamil] sound lengthening
- ஆதியாகமம் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Genesis
- ஆபகூக் (Proper name) [Tamil] Habakkuk (Biblical character)
- ஆபகூக் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Habakkuk
- ஆபகூக் (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- ஆபிரகாம் (Proper name) [Tamil] Abraham (Biblical character)
- இப்ராஹிம் (Proper name) [Tamil] The prophet Abraham (as known in Islam)
- இயேசு (Proper name) [Tamil] Jesus Christ
- இருக்கு வேதம் (Proper name) [Tamil] Rigveda
- இளங்கோ (Noun) [Tamil] a male given name from Tamil
- உட்கருத்து (Noun) [Tamil] the deeper sense of a passage
- உன்னதபாட்டு (Proper name) [Tamil] Song of Songs (a book of the Old Testament attributed to King Solomon, son of King David)
- எசேக்கியல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Ezekiel (Biblical character)
- எசேக்கியல் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Ezekiel
- எசேக்கியல் (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- எட்டுத்தொகை (Proper name) [Tamil] Ettuthogai, a collection of eight anthologies of classical Tamil poetic works composed and compiled by various poets and rulers between 1 BCE to 5 CE. Part of the Sangam literature.
- எரேமியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Jeremiah (Biblical character)
- எரேமியா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Jeremiah
- எரேமியா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- எஸ்தர் (Proper name) [Tamil] Esther (Biblical character)
- எஸ்தர் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Esther
- எஸ்தர் (Proper name) [Tamil] a female given name
- எஸ்ரா (Proper name) [Tamil] Ezra (Biblical character)
- எஸ்ரா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Ezra
- எஸ்ரா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- ஏசாயா (Proper name) [Tamil] Isaiah (Biblical character)
- ஏசாயா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Isaiah
- ஏசாயா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- ஒபதியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Obadiah (Biblical character)
- ஒபதியா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Obadiah
- ஒபதியா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- ஒலிநூல் (Noun) [Tamil] audiobook
- குமாரன் (Proper name) [Tamil] God the Son; Jesus
- குறுந்தொகை (Proper name) [Tamil] Kuṟuntokai, a classical Tamil poetic work composed by around 205 poets and compiled by Purikko. It is the second of the Eight Anthologies (Ettuthogai) in the Sangam literature.
- கையறுநிலை (Noun) [Tamil] a genre of poetry in classical Tamil portraying helpless, utter desolate situations (like the Paarimagalir song from Puranaanuru, where the daughters of King Pāri lament the siege against their kingdom and ultimately the death of their father.)
- கொடை (Noun) [Tamil] theme of a king distributing liberally to the poor the enemy's cattle captured by him
- சகரியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Zechariah (Biblical character)
- சகரியா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- சமம் (Noun) [Tamil] stanza in which all the lines have the same number of feet
- சாமுவேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Samuel (Biblical character)
- சிம்சோன் (Proper name) [Tamil] Samson (Biblical character)
- சிம்சோன் (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- சிலப்பதிகாரம் (Proper name) [Tamil] an ancient Tamil epic poem dealing with the tragedy of Kannagi and Kovalan, exploring and questioning morality and justice. One of the aimperumkappiyangal.
- சீர் (Noun) [Tamil] dowry
- சுகந்தவர்க்கம் (Noun) [Tamil] spices, perfume
- சுரமண்டலம் (Noun) [Tamil] harp, lyre
- செம்மீன் (Noun) [Tamil] the planet Mars
- தனாக் (Proper name) [Tamil] Old Testament
- தானம் (Noun) [Tamil] stages counted in ceyyuṭ-poruttam
- தானியேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Daniel (Biblical character)
- தானியேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Daniel
- தானியேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- தாவீது (Proper name) [Tamil] King David (Biblical character)
- தாவீது (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- துவசம் (Noun) [Tamil] bark, used as a dress
- தேம்பாவணி (Proper name) [Tamil] Thembavani, an 18th century Tamil epic poem by Constantine Joseph Beschi chronicling the life of Joseph, the step-father of Jesus
- தொல்காப்பியம் (Proper name) [Tamil] Tolkāppiyam, a Tamil poetic work on the grammar and structure of the Tamil language, traditionally attributed to Tolkāppiyar (eponym). It is by far the oldest extant long work in Tamil literature.
- த்வஜம் (Noun) [Tamil] bark, used as a dress
- நகோமி (Proper name) [Tamil] Naomi (Biblical character)
- நகோமி (Proper name) [Tamil] a female given name
- நன்னூல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Nannūl, a Tamil poetic work on the grammar and structure of the Tamil language, authored by sage Pavanandi.
- நப்தலி (Proper name) [Tamil] Naphtali
- நற்றிணை (Proper name) [Tamil] Nattrinai, a classical Tamil poetic work compiled by Pannadu Thandha Pandiyan Maaran Vazhudhi. It is the first of the Ettuthogai in the Sangam literature.
- நீதிமொழிகள் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Proverbs
- நூலகம் (Noun) [Tamil] library
- நெகேமியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Nehemiah (Biblical character)
- நெகேமியா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Nehemiah
- நெகேமியா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- பகவத் கீதை (Proper name) [Tamil] Bhagavad Gita
- பத்துப்பாட்டு (Proper name) [Tamil] Pathuppattu, a collection of ten anthologies of classical Tamil poetic works composed and compiled by various poets and rulers between 2 CE to 5 CE. Part of the Sangam literature.
- பரணி (Noun) [Tamil] a poem about a hero who destroyed 1000 elephants in war
- பவுல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Paul (the apostle)
- பாகம் (Noun) [Tamil] style of poetry, three in number, viz., tirāṭcā-pākam, katalī-pākam, nāri-kēḷa-pākam
- பாதாளம் (Noun) [Tamil] grave
- பாலை (Noun) [Tamil] a genre of poetry in classical Tamil literature, one of the ஐந்திணை (aintiṇai)
- பாலை (Noun) [Tamil] ocean, sea (as useless or barren)
- பிதா (Proper name) [Tamil] God the Father
- பிரசங்கி (Proper name) [Tamil] the Book of Ecclesiastes
- புலம்பல் (Proper name) [Tamil] the Book of Lamentations
- புலம்பல் (Noun) [Tamil] a mournful song; elegy
- பென்யமீன் (Proper name) [Tamil] Benjamin
- பேதுரு (Proper name) [Tamil] the apostle Peter (Biblical figure)
- பேதுரு (Proper name) [Tamil] the epistles of Peter
- பேதுரு (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- மகாபாரதம் (Proper name) [Tamil] The Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, dealing with the story of the Pandavas.
- மணிமேகலை (Proper name) [Tamil] an ancient Tamil epic poem revolving around the titular character, a Buddhist nun and also the illegitimate daughter of Kovalan, one of the protagonists of another Tamil epic called Silapadhikaram. One of the aimperumkappiyangal.
- மத்தேயு (Proper name) [Tamil] the apostle Matthew (Biblical figure)
- மத்தேயு (Proper name) [Tamil] the gospel of Matthew
- மத்தேயு (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- மல்கியா (Proper name) [Tamil] Malachi (Biblical character)
- மல்கியா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Malachi
- மல்கியா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- மீகா (Proper name) [Tamil] Micah (Biblical character)
- மீகா (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Micah
- மீகா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- முப்பால் (Noun) [Tamil] the three divisions: அறம் (aṟam) , பொருள் (poruḷ) and இன்பம் (iṉpam)
- மோசே (Proper name) [Tamil] Moses (Biblical character)
- மோசே (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- யோசுவா (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name from Biblical Hebrew
- யோவான் (Proper name) [Tamil] the apostle John (Biblical figure)
- யோவான் (Proper name) [Tamil] the gospel of John
- யோவான் (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- யோவேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] Joel (Biblical character)
- யோவேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Joel
- யோவேல் (Proper name) [Tamil] a male given name
- ராயன் (Noun) [Tamil] Caesar (Roman emperor)
- ரூத் (Proper name) [Tamil] Ruth (Biblical character)
- ரூத் (Proper name) [Tamil] the book of Ruth
- ரூத் (Proper name) [Tamil] a female given name
- ரோமாபுரி (Proper name) [Tamil] Rome (a city in Italy)
- வஞ்சி (Noun) [Tamil] a kind of stanza
- வனாந்தரம் (Noun) [Tamil] wilderness, desolate place, desert
- விக்சனரி (Proper name) [Tamil] Wiktionary
- விவிலியம் (Proper name) [Tamil] the Bible
- வெண்பா (Noun) [Tamil] one of the four major poetic metres of Tamil prosody
- வேதம் (Proper name) [Tamil] the Veda
- అంగదుడు … ఉత్పలమాల (9 senses)
- ఉబుసు … కయిత (11 senses)
- కవి … గర్భకవిత్వము (9 senses)
- గాథ … తేటగీతి (12 senses)
- థామసు … పదకోశము (10 senses)
- పద్యము … పొత్తము (8 senses)
- ఫిలిప్ … మత్తేభవిక్రీడితము (10 senses)
- మనోరంజని … లక్ష్మణుడు (10 senses)
- లఘువు … వైదేహి (11 senses)
- శతకము … సౌమిత్రి (14 senses)
- އަދަބިއްޔާތު (Noun) [Dhivehi] literature
- ފޮތްފިހާރަ (Noun) [Dhivehi] a bookstore
- กรอง (Noun) [Thai] bangle
- กระสือ (Noun) [Thai] a type of turmeric that resembles zedoary, traditionally believed to be of a supernatural power to possess a woman like the said spirit.
- กลอน (Noun) [Thai] any kind of poem, poetic work, or piece of poetry.
- กวี (Noun) [Thai] poet
- กอลลัม (Noun) [Thai] Gollum.
- กันดารวิถี (Proper name) [Thai] Numbers: the fourth book of the Old Testament.
- กาพย์ (Noun) [Thai] a type of Thai verse form
- กาลครั้งหนึ่ง (Phrase) [Thai] once upon a time.
- กิจการ (Proper name) [Thai] Acts: a book of the New Testament.
- กิจการของอัครทูต (Proper name) [Thai] Acts of the Apostles: a book of the New Testament.
- กุมาร (Noun) [Thai] child ghost servant, created by surgically removing an unborn baby from the womb of its mother, roasting the baby until its body dries during a rite held at a graveyard, and covering the dry-roasted corpse with gold leaf. The corpse is carried by someone who believes that the ghost dwelling in it may be employed.
- ขงเบ้ง (Proper name) [Thai] courtesy name of Zhuge Liang
- ขอบ (Verb) [Thai] to repay; to answer; to receive.
- คริสตธรรม (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Bible.
- คัมภีร์ (Proper name) [Thai] (พระ~) Bible.
- งอมพระราม (Adjective) [Thai] in dire straits; experiencing great hardship; undergoing severe suffering.
- ฉมบ (Noun) [Thai] a type of spirit in Thai folklore, believed to be the ghost of a woman that dwells at the place of her death, especially in a forest.
- ฉันทลักษณ์ (Noun) [Thai] prosody
- ช่องบาดาล (Noun) [Thai] bottomless pit.
- ดรุษัณฑ์ (Noun) [Thai] wood.
- ดัง (Noun) [Thai] nose.
- ดั้ง (Noun) [Thai] nose.
- ตายทั้งกลม (Verb) [Thai] to die together with the child or children in her womb.
- ทับทรวง (Noun) [Thai] (classifier ชุด, ตัว, or สำรับ) breastplate.
- ทางสามแพร่ง (Noun) [Thai] T-junction, traditionally believed to be employed by the dead and thus deemed a very unholy spot.
- นรก (Noun) [Thai] hell; purgatory; underworld; realm of the dead.
- นาง (Noun) [Thai] heroine; female protagonist; leading lady.
- นิรยะ (Noun) [Thai] Hell.
- บังคับ (Noun) [Thai] requirement or rule for writing a poem, such as that governing tones or rhymes.
- บัญชีหนังหมา (Noun) [Thai] criminal record; record of misconduct; record of bad deeds; blacklist.
- บาดาล (Noun) [Thai] sea; ocean.
- บาดาล (Noun) [Thai] hell; underworld.
- บุษบก (Noun) [Thai] movable castle in reduced size, used as a throne or for housing or carrying a sacred object
- บุษบา (Noun) [Thai] flower.
- บุหรี่พระราม (Noun) [Thai] the climber Neoalsomitra sarcophylla of the family Cucurbitaceae.
- ปอบ (Noun) [Thai] a type of evil spirit in Thai folklore, believed to possess a person and devour his or her viscera before leaving, thus causing the person to die.
- ปัญญาจารย์ (Proper name) [Thai] Ecclesiastes: a book of the Bible.
- ปุโรหิต (Noun) [Thai] priest.
- ผีดิบ (Noun) [Thai] preternatural being believed to be a reanimated corpse, such as vampire, zombie, etc.
- ผู้วินิจฉัย (Proper name) [Thai] Judges: a book of the Bible.
- พงศาวดาร (Proper name) [Thai] Chronicles: either of two books of the Old Testament.
- พระราชบัญญัติ (Noun) [Thai] law or regulation given by the God.
- พระราชบัญญัติ (Proper name) [Thai] Deuteronomy: the fifth book of the Old Testament.
- พราย (Noun) [Thai] (ผี~; if being a female: นาง~) a type of ghost, generally conceived of as being the ghost of a person, especially a woman, who died violently.
- พราย (Noun) [Thai] a type of imaginary creature, conceived of as inhabiting the rivers, mountains, trees, etc, as nymph, elf, naiad, etc.
- พราย (Noun) [Thai] circle on the surface of water: ripple, riffle, etc.
- พราย (Verb) [Thai] to spread, scatter, or disperse, like a ripple on the surface of water.
- มหากาพย์ (Noun) [Thai] epic (poetry)
- ราพณาสูร (Adjective) [Thai] completely lost; completely ruined; completely destroyed; absolutely no more; no longer in existence.
- ร่าย (Noun) [Thai]
- ฤ (Conjunction) [Thai] or
- ฤ (Particle) [Thai] used at the end of a question
- ฤ (Adverb) [Thai] not
- ฤๅ (Conjunction) [Thai] or
- ฤๅ (Particle) [Thai] used at the end of a question
- ฤๅ (Pronoun) [Thai] what
- ฤๅ (Adverb) [Thai] not
- ลูกขุน (Noun) [Thai] judge; tribunal.
- ลูกขุน (Noun) [Thai] place of a judge or tribunal; place where a judicial decision is rendered.
- วลี (Noun) [Thai] fold of the skin; wrinkle.
- วารสาร (Noun) [Thai] journal.
- วิวรณ์ (Proper name) [Thai] Revelation: the last book in the New Testament.
- สมิง (Noun) [Thai] a type of evil spirit in Thai folklore, believed to be a person that turns into a tiger by the power of black magic or a tiger that can transform itself into a human due to being possessed by the ghosts of its human preys.
- สันดาป (Proper name) [Thai] the name of a region in the underworld, where beings are reborn to be punished for their sins.
- สิบแปดมงกุฎ (Noun) [Thai] conman; crook; fraud; swindler.
- สุวาน (Noun) [Thai] clerk of the Naraka hell, bearing the duty to keep records about living beings, such as births and deaths, merits and sins, etc.
- หนังสือวลี (Noun) [Thai] phrase book
- อบาย (Noun) [Thai] Hell.
- อพยพ (Proper name) [Thai] Exodus: the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses.
- อพยพ (Proper name) [Thai] Exodus: the second book of the Bible, containing an account of the said departure.
- อภิรัฐมนตรี (Noun) [Thai] high or highest ranking administrator.
- อัมพร (Noun) [Thai] sky.
- อัมพร (Noun) [Thai] clothing.
- อุปมา (Noun) [Thai] analogy; simile.
- อุปมานิทัศน์ (Noun) [Thai] allegory.
- อเวจี (Proper name) [Thai] (นรก~, ~นรก, ~มหานรก) one of the eight regions of the hell, being the lowest region to which the most sinful beings are sent for punishment.
- ฮอบบิท (Noun) [Thai] hobbit.
- เงือก (Noun) [Thai] nāga; dragon; serpent.
- เงือก (Noun) [Thai] malevolent creature having a snake- or crocodile-like appearance and associated with water.
- เปรต (Noun) [Thai] preta: a type of supernatural creature born to undergo punishment or suffering as a result of sinful deeds committed in previous lives.
- เพลงคร่ำครวญ (Proper name) [Thai] Lamentations: a book of the Bible.
- เมษปิศาจ (Noun) [Thai] satyr.
- เรื่องสั้น (Noun) [Thai] short story.
- เวทนา (Noun) [Thai] pathos.
- โขมด (Noun) [Thai] gleaming light seen at night, traditionally believed to be a type of nocturnal ghost that leads travellers astray, scientifically explained to be light naturally produced by methane.
- โยบ (Proper name) [Thai] Job: a book of the Old Testament.
- โรม (Proper name) [Thai] Romans: the sixth book of the New Testament.
- โลกันตร์ (Proper name) [Thai] the name of a realm in the hell where sinful beings are detained forever and given the most serious punishments for their sins.
- โสม (Noun) [Thai] Jewels of Opar, flameflower (Talinum paniculatum, family Portulacaceae)
- โสม (Noun) [Thai] sweetheart (Talinum fruticosum, family Portulacaceae).
- โสม (Noun) [Thai] any of the various plants of the genus Panax (family Araliaceae).
- โสม (Noun) [Thai] a kind of beverage made from the juice of an ivy plant mixed with clarified butter, traditionally offered to Indra and other gods.
- ไบเบิล (Proper name) [Thai] Bible.
- ཀ་རྩོམ (Noun) [Tibetan] Tibetan alphabetic poem (A poetic form consisting of thirty lines, in which the first letter of each line is one of the consonants of the Tibetan alphabet. That is, the first line begins with ka, the second with kha, and so forth.)
- དེབ (Noun) [Sikkimese] book
- དེབ (Noun) [Tibetan] notebook, leaflet
- དེབ་ཁང (Noun) [Tibetan] bookshop, bookstore
- དེབ་སྒྲོམ (Noun) [Tibetan] bookshelf
- བརྗེད་བྱང (Noun) [Tibetan] summary, gloss
- སྙན་ངག (Noun) [Tibetan] poem
- ! … 1 Croinicí (24 senses)
- 1 Cronica … 1 Peadar (23 senses)
- 1 Pedr … 1 Thessaloniciens (21 senses)
- 1 Timoteo … 2 Croinicí (23 senses)
- 2 Cronica … 2 João (14 senses)
- 2 Juan … 2 Thessaloniciens (31 senses)
- 2 Timoteo … 666 (21 senses)
- ? … ʻEsetera (15 senses)
- ʻEwa … ܐܢܛܘܢܝܣ (24 senses)
- ܐܣܐ … ܕܢܝܐܝܠ (25 senses)
- ܕܦܐ … ܟܘܣܪܘ (22 senses)
- ܟܘܫ … ܠܟܣܝܩܘܢ (16 senses)
- ܠܥܙܪ … ܣܩܘܐ (24 senses)
- ܣܪܐ … ܫܘܫܢ (26 senses)
- ܫܝܡ … कथासरित्सागर (21 senses)
- कल … ग्रंथालय (17 senses)
- चरण … पंचतंत्र (25 senses)
- पद … मैंगा (25 senses)
- यमक … विराज् (18 senses)
- वीर … ᡧᡠ ᡤᡳᠰᡠᠨ (28 senses)
- ‖ … ꓬꓰ-ꓢꓴ (16 senses)
- ꓬꓳ-ꓦ … 𐔺𐕒𐕛𐕆𐔰𐕎𐔶𐕚 𐕀𐔰𐕐𐔾𐕒𐕡𐕘𐔰𐔾 (26 senses)
- 𐔼𐕚𐔰𐕄 … 𐕗𐔼𐔾𐔰𐕜𐕒𐕚 (17 senses)
- 𐕙𐔰𐕣𐔴𐔾 … 🗮 (21 senses)
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